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All Airtel Nigeria Data Plan Bundles, Prices & Subscription Codes – UPDATED

This article will give you a comprehensive review of all the Airtel data plan bundles that are legally available for Nigerian internet users.
The data plans can be used on your desktop computers, your laptops, mobile devices like blackberry, android and lots more.

No doubt, Airtel Nigeria is coming up in terms of quality of data bundles, quality and affordability. In times past, there was nothing to write home about airtel data plans. However, things have changed greatly these days. Airtel seems to be gunning for the stars considering the new level of improvement brought into their data services and subscriptions.

Airtel Nigeria keeps rolling out services everywhere and their data plans can be enjoyed nationwide. As a result, the end user can have access to very fast internet connection. The bandwidth is expanded; the video and voice call services are very special and also provided at very affordable rates.

Entry plan
It provides 4MB sells for 50 naira and is valid for 1 day.
To activate this plan, dial 1*141*11*9#

Daily plan 
It gives you 10 MB, costs 100 naira and is valid for 1 day.
To activate this plan, dial *410#

3-day plan 
It gives you 25 MB, costs 200 naira and is valid for 3 days.
To activate this plan, dial *412#

Weekly plan
It gives you 50MB, costs 300 naira and is valid for 7 days.
To activate this plan, dial *417#

Easy plan
It gives you 80 MB, costs 500 naira and is valid for 14 days.
To activate this plan, dial *418#

Lite plan 
It gives you 260 MB, costs 1,000 naira and is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *420#

Midi plan
It gives you 400 MB, costs 1,300 and is valid for 30 days. To activate this plan dial
To activate this plan, dial *421#

Smartphone 1 plan
It gives you 1 GB, costs 2,000 and is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *423#

Smartphone 2GB plan
It give you 2 GB, costs 3,000 and is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *451#

Plus plan 3.9GB
It gives you 3.9 GB and costs 5,000 naira.
To activate this plan, dial *452#

Max planplan 7.6GB
It gives you 7.6 GB and costs 8,000 naira.
To activate this plan, dial *460#

Premium plan 13.3GB
It gives you 13.3 GB and costs 15,000 naira.
To activate this plan, dial *462#

Prime plan 19.9GB
It gives you 19.9 GB and costs 22,000.
To activate this plan, dial *463#

Day plan 
It gives you 150 MB, costs 500 naira and it is valid for 24 hours.
To activate this plan, dial *141*12*5#

Night time (off peak) 
It gives you 3.9 GB and costs 2,500 and it is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *141*12*4#

Weekend_200 plan 
It gives you 200 MB, costs 200 and it is valid till midnight of the same day.
To activate this plan, dial *472#

Weekend _500 plan 
It gives you 500 MB, it costs 500 and valid till midnight of the same day.
To activate this plan, dial *473#

Weekend_1000 plan
It gives you 1 GB, costs 1,000 and is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *474#

Airtel 3GB Monthly Plan

To activate, just Dial *440*16# on your phone to subscribe. You will get 3GB at  N1,500. To check your data bundle balance, dial *123*9#

Special Airtel Blackberry Plans

Airtel BB Unlimited 3GB Monthly Plan

This plan costs N1,500. To activate, dial *435#

BB Unlimited Week Plan

This plan offers you data value of 20MB and costs N525 only. It’s valid for 1 month.

To activate, dial *440*17#

BB Unlimited Day Plan

This plan offers you data value to the worth of 40MB and it costs N100 only. It’s valid for 1 day only.

To activate, dial *440*18#

BB Complete Month

With the BB Complete Plan, you get credited with 3GB worth of data to surf the Internet.

It costs N1,500 only and is valid for 1 month.

To activate this plan, dial *431#

Airtel Android Data Plans 

Now, let us take a quick look at some of the top airtel data plans you can use on your Android phones.

Currently, there are officially three Airtel Android data plans available on the network. They include the 2GB plan which sells for for N2,000, the 3GB (Night plan) selling for N2,500, and of course the 4.5GB which goes for N2,500 only. To activate the 4.5GB plan which costs 2,500,simply dial *437*1#. You will be credited with 4.5GB which will last for 30 days.

So, here is how to activate any of these Android plans from airtel:

Android 1. 0 GB Data Plan

This plan gives you data access to the tune of 1GB for just 1,000 Naira only. To activate this plan, simply dial *496# on your Mobile phone. It lasts for 30 days.

Android 2. 0 plan
It gives you 2 GB and costs 2,000 naira. It is valid for 30 days
To activate this plan, dial *437#

Android 4.5 plan 
It will give you 4.5 GB and costs you 3,500 naira. It is valid for 30 days.
To activate this plan, dial *438#

Alternatively, you can also subscribe to any Airtel android plan on your Mobile phone by dialing *141*1# on. Your phone screen will be present you with a list of Data plans for various phones such as Blackberry, Android, bundle plans etc.

Just choose the Android by replying with the number assigned to each data plan Usually, Android plan is listed number 2, so reply with 2. After that, you will be provided with the option to choose from the list of android plans available on the Airtel network.

Before doing any subscription, don’t forget that you ought to have pre-loaded your phone with the subscription amount since the recharge amount must be available on your phone before Airtel can activate you.

To check the balance of your android plan, just dial *223# and wait for response from the network.

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All Airtel Nigeria Data Plan Bundles, Prices & Subscription Codes – UPDATED All Airtel Nigeria Data Plan Bundles, Prices & Subscription Codes – UPDATED Reviewed by TricksBar on April 18, 2016 Rating: 5

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