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How to Get 11.5GB For N1,000 on MTN StartPack

This is not a tweak nor a cheat but simple application of common sense. I’ll just go straight to the point and make it simpler and understandable as possible.

You can either get 10GB or 11.5GB depending on what satisfies. but I think you'll love 11.5GB.
It is not something strange but what you already know… just to add a little more honey to change the taste.
Smartpack bonus
I’m sure you remember MTN StartPack that gives you 6times recharge for the first 6 months of use.  It’s now performing some common sense miracle so I need you to read carefully and digest the Trick.

What Do I Need?
>>A new Sim,
>>Get it registered and activated.

Steps involved to get 11.5GB For Just N1,000
1. No need to migrate to any package, just leave it to the package it came with
2. Recharge N100 and you’ll be given N500 to call and browse
3. Don’t use it for calling, Just use it for browsing
4. N500 bonus will give you 1GB data
5. 1000 recharge will give you 10GB data
6. You can then use your untouched N1,000 in your normal account to subscribe for 1.5GB data plan after exhausting your 10GB making it 11.5GB.
7. To check your data balance, dial *556# or *559#

Well, if you are a heavy data user, you can go for Trick to get 29.5GB on mtn for 2months 
Let's enjoy it together while it Lasts. 

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How to Get 11.5GB For N1,000 on MTN StartPack How to Get 11.5GB For N1,000 on MTN StartPack Reviewed by TricksBar on June 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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